A summer filled with fun has finally arrived! We have some of your favorite activities and events mixed with a few new being hosted in Indianola this year. What are you waiting for? Get all of these on your calendars now and prepare to be entertained!
Memorial Park, 602 N. G Street; www.indianolachamber.com
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and let the kids play in the park and enjoy Putt-Putt Golf while you enjoy some of your favorite bands! Admission $5 adults & Kids 11 and older. Beverage garden and food available for purchase.
· June 10, 2022 – TrainWreck; band and beverage garden hosted by TruBank
· June 24, 2022 – Past Vertical; band and beverage garden hosted by Simpson College
· July 8, 2022 – Final Mix; band and beverage garden hosted by Peoples Bank
2. Ridiculous Days:
June 25 – Indianola Downtown Square
Enjoy fun kid and adult friendly square-wide activities and games, ridiculous sales from your local downtown retailers, local vendors, artists, & creators, pet & grand march parade (the more ridiculous the better), and more!
Des Moines Metro Opera:
July 1 – July 24
Welcome world class performers and team of professionals who call Indianola home in July. Enjoy the beauty of a world class opera right in our back yard.
4. Warren County Fair: July 28 – August 2
Enjoy carnival rides, free music, livestock shows, grandstand events, and more!
5. Celebrate Warren County Parade: July 30; 10 am
Kick-off the National Balloon Classic with the “Celebrate Warren County Parade”
6. Indianola Summer Arts Festival: July 30; 10 am – 4 pm; Buxton Park
Enjoy handmade creations of artists.
7. National Balloon Classic: July 29 – August 6
Enjoy a sky filled with hundreds of balloons as they transcend upon Indianola with beauty and grace! No parade in 2021. Tickets can be purchased online. www.nationalballoonclassic.com
8. TruBank DSM Disc Golf Pro Tour (sanctioned event): August 19 – 21; Pickard Park
If you’ve never watched Disc Golf, now’s your chance! Welcome participants of the TruBank Des Moines Disc Golf Pro Tour! desmoineschallenge.com/info/
Looking for more?
· Ride, walk or run a local bike trail. http://iowabikeroutes.com/trails/summerset-trail/
· Take a class, hike, kayak or fish in one of our local parks. http://www.warrenccb.org/
·Take a swim in the Indianola Aquatic Center. https://www.indianolaiowa.gov/225/Parks-Recreation
As always, pledge to look local for all of your professional service, entertainment and shopping needs before going anywhere else!
View the Chamber’s event calendar regularly for updates at www.indianolachamber.com. #ThinkIndianolaFirst